Sunday, January 5, 2014

Made with LOVE?

Made with LOVE...

If you had asked me a year ago if I prepared meals "with love" I probably would have laughed at you and scoffed at the idea.....Today, I can tell you a very different story....

I have always enjoyed cooking, most people know that about me.  If I was cooking for myself or for a group of people,  I loved making a special meal or dish that people would enjoy...
Most of the time I scoured the internet looking for the highest rated recipe I could find, sometimes I put my own twist on it.  Most of the time I was happy with the results but I also had a nagging feeling that something was missing..

Today as I walked the local Farmer's Market with a dorky smile on my face in search of quality ingredients for the coming week, I was honestly never so excited about produce before!!....Every week I look forward to creating something new, and also something I may be able to write about in this blog.
Until recently, I did not seek out Organic produce to make our meals with...I had all the usual excuses, it's too expensive etc. etc.
Now that I am buying ALL Organic I will never go back.  I think my taste buds forgot how fresh from the garden tasted.... it had been so long..
Truth be told, there is a night and day difference with fresh Organic produce and what you can buy at the grocery store...The Farmer's market produce is so FRESH, I promise you there is a huge difference!

This weeks catch... tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, zucchini, basil, a couple of lemons, and a huge grapefruit and fresh local eggs....As I walked back to my car, I was daydreaming about what to do with my ingredients..
I prepared a yummy salad with some of the ingredients I brought home from the Farmer's Market plus some things I already had like the leftover Carnitas (pork)....When I got home I started to make the salad immediately..mostly because I was starving but I was also looking forward to tasting the fresh salad and my husbands reaction to it.
My husband can really tell the difference in the food I prepare since I have this new attitude about food.
The main difference is....I thoughtfully prepare each meal I make with quality ingredients, good vibrations and a smile on my face..
I can honestly say all of my meals are now made with love and that's the way I like it.

Sandy V.

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